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UN Security Council  Resolution 252
May 21, 1968

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In the General Assembly partition resolution 181 of 1947, the UN had declared Jerusalem a corpus separatum (separate body) to be governed by the UN. This was reaffirmed in General Assembly resolution 303 of 1949, but never implemented. Jerusalem was divided into a western part under Israeli rule and an eastern part under Jordanian rule. Jordan did not allow freedom of worship to Israelis in East Jerusalem, in violation of the armistice agreements. Click here for a map of the UN plan for internationalization of Jerusalem and of divided Jerusalem prior to 1967.

During the Six day war of June, 1967, Israel captured East Jerusalem and the rest of the West Bank after Jordan had opened fire on Israeli positions and taken over the residence of the UN representative in Jerusalem. The Israeli government then began taking practical and legal steps to unify East and West Jerusalem. These steps were protested vigorously by Jordan and other Arab governments. The UN Security Council adopted Resolution 252, calling on Israel to desist from the unification of Jerusalem. The immediate stimulus for this resolution was a military parade held in Jerusalem in honor of Israeli Independence day, and claims by Arab states that Israel had destroyed mosques in the Mughrabi quarter of Jerusalem.

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    Security Council

S/RES/252 (1968)
21 May 1968

Resolution 252 (1968)
of 21 May 1968


The Security Council,

Recalling General Assembly resolutions 2253 (ES-V) of 4 July 1967 and 2254 (ES-V) of 14 July 1967,

Having considered the letter of the Permanent Representative of Jordan on the situation in Jerusalem (S/8560)1/ and the report of the Secretary-General (S/8146),2/

Having heard the statements made before the Council,

Noting that since the adoption of the above-mentioned resolutions Israel has taken further measures and actions in contravention of those resolutions,

Bearing in mind the need to work for a just and lasting peace,

Reaffirming that acquisition of territory by military conquest is inadmissible,

1. Deplores the failure of Israel to comply with the General Assembly resolutions mentioned above;

2. Considers that all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel, including expropriation of land and properties thereon, which tend to change the legal status of Jerusalem are invalid and cannot change that status;

3. Urgently calls upon Israel to rescind all such measures already taken and to desist forthwith from taking any further action which tends to change the status of Jerusalem;

4. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Security Council on the implementation of the present resolution.

Adopted at the 1426th meeting by 13 votes to none, with
2 abstentions (Canada and United States of America).


1/ Ibid.

2/ Ibid., Twenty-second year, Supplement for July, August and September 1967.


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