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The Story of our Song The song "We Brought Peace Upon Us", which once "belonged" to Peace Child Israel exclusively, as its anthem, was given a new arrangement, at the initiative of its composer, Shlomo Gronich and presented at as a gift to a country in severe pain in the autumn of 2000. Based on Arabic and Hebrew texts written by the teenagers from the Peace Child Israel millenium year workshops, the song We Brought Peace Upon us" was composed in February 2000 by Shlomo Gronich, in consultation with Mikhail Marun, oud. Israel Prize winner Ehud Manor and Mr. Magid Abu Rokun transformed the text of the teenagers into lyrics for the anthem which was first performed with all the "graduating" teenagers of the 1999-2000 workshops on July 2, 2000. In mid-November 2000, during a period of pervasive despair, at the initiative of composer Shlomo Gronich and with the support of Hed Arzi Records, JCS Productions and Next Generation Productions, a new arrangement of the song was recorded for video clip and compact disc. "Volunteers for Peace" is exactly what it says: individuals and corporations volunteering for peace, at a time when a majority of the populations, inside the Green Line and beyond, were committed to attack and revenge. 20 Arab and Jewish professional vocal and instrumental artists, together with Arab and Jewish teenagers from the Peace Child Israel workshops and elementary school children from Qalansua and Tel Aviv, set personal agendas aside and answered the call at a moment's notice, to share their talents in an effort to make a small contribution to healing in the community. The anthem was heard on radio and seen on television screens throughout the country. Notice Copyright Shlomo Gronich and Peace Child Israel 2000 Poetry of Peace DialogPeaceChild Israel at PeaceWatch