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Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel - Resources I

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Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI)

PACBI - Resources Page Image


The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel organization masquerades as a humanitarian group seeking redress of human rights violations. They appear and argue their case against Israeli "racism" and "apartheid" at union meetings, church groups and university gatherings.

 In a Web site that is not visible currently in USA or Europe, they have placed "resources" that reveal that they are not a peace or human rights group at all. Rather, their aim is destruction of Israel. They caution Palestinian groups not to have anything to do with any cooperative projects or dialogue groups that are just intended for improving relations between peoples, and to shun groups that are not intent on destruction of Israel, euphemized as helping to "solve the Palestinian problem in the broadest sense."

Details of their program, in English, are given in a flowchart translated from their Web site, here: A program for wrecking Israeli-Palestinian Dialog.

If you are approached by the The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, ask them what their program is for Middle East Peace. Ask them if they support a national state for the Arabs of Palestine and a national state for the Jews as well.

If you are an Israeli group, approached by a Palestinian group that seeks cooperation, make certain that they are not following the "guidelines" of the  Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel.

Below is the screen capture of the top of their main page, in case you cannot see it

Boycott Israel:PACBI resources main page

The above is from the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, resources page:

http://www.pacbi.org/campaign_resources.htm - this page may not be visible in your country. It is visible in the Middle East.

This page is a translation of their brochure for youth, which warns that Seeds of Peace is a dangerous organization, and characterizes those who lead dialogue as traitors who take crumbs from the Americans and Europeans: PACBI - Youth Brochure

This page is the entire Arabic PDF file with the Boycott Criteria: PACBI - Criteria for boycott

Ami Isseroff

Copyright 2007 by Mideastweb for Coexistence RA. Posted at http://www.mideastweb.org/not_dialog.htm.


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