What Are You Willing to Do To End the Conflict?Grassroots Mobilization Campaign
Please forward and watch the videos. Can we build public pressure for peace in Israel and Palestine?
Contacts In Tel Aviv, Ramallah, Davos & New York Below Video Footage, Transcripts, and Interviews Available
ENOUGH! Palestinian and Israeli Citizens Representing OneVoice Movement To Jointly Address Their Heads of State and World Leaders at Davos With Unusually Frank and Bold Message Demanding Progress towards Two-State Solution
*** First Time since World Economic Forum Was Founded That Ordinary Citizens Are Given Podium to Speak Directly to their Leaders ***
First time Moderates on Both Sides Speak in Unison To Condemn Violent Extremism & Intervention from Foreign Militants, to Call For Two-State Solution, and to Take Personal Responsibility to Achieve it
*** OneVoice Movement to Unveil “What Are You Willing to Do To End the Conflict” Grassroots Mobilization Campaign ***
WHEN: Thursday, January 25, 2007, 16:15-17:30 Swiss Time (10:15am EST, 5:15pm Jerusalem).
WHERE: Plenary Hall, Congress Center, Davos, Switzerland, with simultaneous webcast, streaming event and messages from Tel Aviv, Ramallah, and Jerusalem.
WHO: In the Podium Responding to Statement from the People: Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority; Tzipi Livni, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel; Shimon Peres, Vice Premier of Israel; Chaired by: Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum; With Video-cast Statements: From Ramallah: hundreds of citizens from across West Bank and Gaza led by Nisreen Shaheen, OneVoice Palestine Executive Director; From Tel Aviv: hundreds of citizens from across Israel led by Adi Balderman, OneVoice Israel Leadership Program Director; From Jerusalem: scores of Palestinian and Israeli citizens represented by Saed Mashaal and Eran Sheferman, OneVoice Palestinian and Israeli Youth Leaders, respectively. The World Economic Forum’s Davos Summit is the seminal annual meeting where foremost business leaders, heads of state, and civil society leaders gather to discuss how to improve the state of the world. OneVoice is a mainstream nationalist grassroots movement with a quarter million Israeli and Palestinian members and 2,000 highly trained youth leaders. It aims to amplify the voice of the overwhelming but heretofore silent majority of moderates who wish for peace and prosperity, empowering them to demand accountability from elected representatives and ensure that the agenda is not hijacked by forces of militant absolutism.
HOW: In spite of very serious tensions and against a backdrop of violence and lack of security, over the last few months, thousands of Israelis, and Palestinians from all across the West Bank and Gaza met under the auspices of the OneVoice Movement to debate and agree on statements representing mainstream nationalists from each side that are tired of lack of progress towards ending the conflict. Hundreds ultimately met in Ramallah, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem to issue these rarely heard messages. One of the meetings encountered but overcame fierce opposition from 30 protesters that tried to disrupt their meeting and steal videos of their message.
At the end of this session, the OneVoice Movement will unveil a $5 million dollar campaign – What Are You Willing to Do to End the Conflict? – to mobilize the broadest possible number of Israelis and Palestinians to take concrete individual steps to end the conflict.
WEBCAST: http://gaia.world-television.com/wef/worldeconomicforum_annualmeeting2007/default.aspx?sn=19223
Or look for Session: Enough is Enough: Israel and the Palestinian Territories from main webcast page: http://www.weforum.org/annualmeeting/webcasts Additional: The link for all events (scheduled) http://www.weforum.org/annualmeeting/webcasts [where user will need to look for the session, at 4:15pm Davos time, titled “Enough: Israel and the Palestinian Territories”] and here is the link for our session: ENOUGH: Israel and the Palestinian Territories http://gaia.world-television.com/wef/worldeconomicforum_annualmeeting2007/default.aspx?sn=19223 You can only post the following links AFTER the event starts, ie, as of 5:15pm Israel time: Here is the MAIN link to all videos http://assets.onevoicemovement.org/video/wef/ (the link will be always the same, even if the videos change) P.S. On the same page; there are links to 2 additional mirror servers (One in NYC and the OVP) If you ought to use individual links; here they are: OneVoice Eye Opener Video: http://assets.onevoicemovement.org/video/wef/wtd_wef_flash.html OneVoice Jerusalem Message: http://assets.onevoicemovement.org/video/wef/jerusalem.html OneVoice Ramallah Message: http://assets.onevoicemovement.org/video/wef/ramallah.html OneVoice Tel Aviv Message: http://assets.onevoicemovement.org/video/wef/tel-aviv.html
CONTACTS: TEL AVIV: Raluca Ganea & Nissim Duek, tel +972 3 6874055, cell +972 54 668 0085; ralucag@unik.co.il RAMALLAH: Nisreen Shaheen, tel +972 2 295 1379, cell +972 599 328 741; nisreen@onevoice.ps NEW YORK: Shelley Shick, tel +1 212 897 3985 x103; shelley@OneVoiceMovement.org |