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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hamas: Myth vs Fact

My last article about the Hamas, Palestinian Unity and Peace Paradox drew comments that showed plainly that a lot of people take the absurdities disseminated by Hamas groupies as gospel truth. These untruths have won a wide audience and now are now "accepted wisdom" in the "best" circles. Some debunking is in order. [more]

by Moderator @ 12:29 AM CST [Link]

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Palestinian unity and peace paradox

If reports about a proposed Palestinian unity deal are correct, the future of the moribund Israeli-Palestinian peace process may have gotten darker this week, if that is possible. Unity is essential for peace. Everyone understands that no real progress can be made until the Israeli political situation is settled and until the Palestinians form a unified government in the West Bank and Gaza. However, the wrong sort of unity could kill the peace process permanently, if it is not already dead. [more]

by Moderator @ 10:23 PM CST [Link]

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Is it 9-11 in the world economy?

The attack of 9-11-01 defined the political discourse and preoccupations of most of the last decade. It was a dramatic event that made the world stand up and pay attention.

The next seven years may be pregnant with a disaster signaled by much less dramatic events, centered on another area of New York City not too far from the former World Trade Center. The events it unleashes may kill many more people than those unleashed by the terror attacks of September 2001. [more]

by Moderator @ 03:07 PM CST [Link]


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