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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The secret Palestinian peace offer

It is not generally known that the Palestinian-Israeli peace talks, initiated amid high hopes in Annapolis on 27 November 2007, spawned two potential peace deals before the talks collapsed in December 2008 in the wake of Israel's strike against the Hamas regime in the Gaza Strip.

One of the deals was the well-publicized offer from Ehud Olmert, made in the dying days of his premiership. The other -- revealed in a TV interview only a few weeks ago by chief PA negotiator, Saeb Erekat -- was a far-reaching, written peace proposal submitted by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to the Israeli government during the final days of the Bush administration. [more]

by Moderator @ 09:19 PM CST [Link]

Monday, July 19, 2010

Israel-Palestine: The Jewish one-state solution- Are they serious?

The one-state "solution" for Jews and Arabs is always with us. See for example, Book Review: Benny Morris, One State, Two States, Palestine & Israel: One state and bi-national state 'solutions' are frauds, One state for Israelis and Palestinians is 'utopian', Protocols of the Elders of Anti-Zion: The Palestinian 'one state' threat is back.

by Moderator @ 01:24 PM CST [Link]

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Saudi Arabia: Trouble in the making?

Two recent articles discuss the situation in the Saudi monarchy. One says the situation is bad, the other says the situation is much worse than that. A Forbes magazine commentary recently painted the following bleak picture of Saudi Arabia:

Turki bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, a prominent dissident now in exile in Cairo, issued an open letter to his fellow royals, urging them to abandon their desert fiefdom for greener pastures. According to the prince, the current social compact between the House of Saud and its subjects had become untenable, with the government no longer able to "impose" its writ on the people and growing grassroots discontent at the royals "interfering in people's private life and restricting their liberties." His advice? That King Abdullah and his coterie flee the Kingdom before they are overthrown--and before their opponents "cut off our heads in streets."
Grassroots prosperity, meanwhile, has headed in the other direction. Since the oil boom of the 1970s, per capita income in Saudi Arabia has constricted precipitously, falling from $28,000 in the early 1980s to below $7,000 in 2001. In other words, average Saudis have experienced a devastating reversal of economic fortune, even as the royal cohort that rules over them has become more numerous, indulgent and bloated.


by Moderator @ 03:48 AM CST [Link]


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