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Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Peace is not a religion

"Four years of nonstop confrontation has turned the Oslo peace process, or the peace process generally, from a religion for believers -- and I would count myself among those believers -- into a business proposition for pragmatists." --Aaron David Miller, April 25, 2005

"We became a believer in the process for its own sake." --Dennis Ross, April 25, 2005

The saying has it that fanaticism consists in redoubling your effort when you have forgotten your aim. It just so happens that even peacemaking itself has accumulated a few fanatics along the way. It's possible to struggle too long and too hard even for the best of causes, if in doing so one loses all perspective.


by Analyst @ 08:03 AM CST [Link]

Monday, May 23, 2005

Son of Robert Pape's Suicide Bombing Crusade Returns

Robert Pape did a great service in 2003 when he pointed out that not all suicide bombers are Muslims. He spoiled it by outrunning his data with a number of questionable assumptions, putting him fairly close to the position of justifying suicide bombing. Now he's back with even more questionable assumptions. [more]

by Moderator @ 04:00 PM CST [Link]

Thursday, May 5, 2005

Beware of the Outsiders - The AUT Boycott and Divestment Initiatives

Peace in the Middle East will be made by people who live in the Middle East. For us, compromise and realism are urgent, because only pragmatism and good sense will allow us to live as normal people. For us, our enemies are also our neighbors, human beings whom we meet and people who work with us. Ideologues who have no stake in the conflict can be a great obstacle to peace. Whether they are Christian Zionist partisans or Christian anti-Zionist partisans in the USA or Europe, or Bundist Jews or Marxists or Land of Israel fanatics in Brooklyn or Los Angeles, they should not be dictating the agenda. They don't live here. They will fight to the last Israeli Jew and the last Palestinian Arab to aggrandize themselves and forward their own outmoded and unrealistic ideological agendas. [more]

by Moderator @ 04:01 PM CST [Link]


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