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Michael Jackson effect on the Middle East


With respect to Western policy on the Middle East, the most significant events of the year may not be the Iranian election protests, or the US-Israel spat over settlements, or Palestinian unity or lack thereof. The most significant events may be the bankruptcy of General Motors, the world economic crisis, and the death of Michael Jackson.

The most significant event of this decade regarding western Middle East policy was without a doubt the attacks of 9-11-01. Millions of people around the world, especially in the United States, suddenly became aware of the Middle East. Suddenly, people were discussing places like Iraq, Afghanistan and Israel. Quran became a household word in much of the United States and Europe, as did Sharia and Fatwa. In the days and weeks following the attack on the World Trade Center, hundreds of thousands of people accessed each of the hundreds of Web sites like MidEastWeb. They were not looking for arcane explanations of Al Qaeda or Osama Bin Laden or Islamism. They were looking for maps. Evidently, they were trying to find out, "Where is this Middle East place that is causing all the trouble?

The 9-11 attacks, followed by the Iraq war and the London transportation system bombings, inaugurated an era in which larger and larger circles of people in the United States and Europe, not just foreign policy analysts, became aware of the Middle East and its importance. Terror (not militants) became important not just in Karachi and Jerusalem, but also in New York, London and Washington. Everyone developed an opinion, regardless of knowledge. In 2006, at the height of the Israeli war with Lebanon, a poll showed that 20% of American voters could not identify the Hamas, 25% could not identify the Hezbollah, and about 23% of the respondents claimed they had never heard anything about the Iranian nuclear program. What was most interesting, was that the respondents who claimed ignorance of the Iranian nuclear program had precisely the same opinions about sanctions against Iran as those who claimed to be informed. Facts are B*O*R*I*N*G, but everyone is entitled to an opinion, right? Opinions about peripheral issues like the Middle East are often held for psychological, sociological and political reasons, not for logical reasons. For example, a recent survey reported that only 6% of Americans thought it was very likely that Palestinian leaders would acknowledge Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state, while 21% thought it was "somewhat likely." A clear majority, 81% believed that this condition was a requirement for peace. 48% asserted that Barack Obama's policies toward Israel were correct. But the centerpiece of those policies is forcing Israeli concessions in order to get a peace agreement, even though most people noted that such an agreement is unlikely. 46% of those questioned on June 22, 8 days following Benjamin Netanyahu's speech accepting a Palestinian state, insisted that it was not very likely or "very unlikely" that Israel would accept such a state.

The unfamiliar was assimilated to the familiar, and Middle East policy opinions inevitably entered the rubric of familiar domestic politics. The villains of Afghanistan were confused either with domestic leftists or domestic Muslim immigrants, or alternatively, the entire "Middle East problem" (always treated as a monolithic whole) was blamed on "neocons" and of course, the Jews. There is no logical or ideological reason to tie together support for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Hezbollah with "progressive" views, nor is there any particular reason for associating support for Israeli settlements and a stricter policy toward Iran, or for tying both of these issues to conservative politics. The Iranian government is not progressive, and Iranian policies threaten the US and its Arab allies. They are not related to Israeli settlements, and won't stop if there is a settlement freeze. Conversely, settlement building will not stop if the US takes a firmer stand against Iran or a less firm stand.

All the Middle East issues that were important until 2008, faded rapidly with the end of the Bush administration. The United States and Europe turned inward to cope with the financial crisis, and now Michael Jackson's death has practically blown away the last of the interest of the public at large in the Middle East. Hey, it's summer! Enough with all that foreign stuff, let's get serious and focus on what is really important, right?

As a political issue, the Middle East is now a non-starter. American Jews voted for Barack Obama not because of his Middle East policies, but for the most part, regardless of those policies. Other issues were more important to all Americans. The conflict in Afghanistan can continue to deteriorate, hidden safely behind public indifference in the United States and Europe. The same is true of the security situation in Iraq, where well over a hundred people were killed in recent suicide bombings, but the American withdrawal continues apace. The Obama administration's Arab-Israeli peace initiative is unrealistic and will probably fail. The only question to be decided is who will be blamed for the failure. Worse still, is the possibility that the US and Europe will "succeed" in imposing a solution, and then walk away from the mess created by their "success," because their publics are no longer interested in the Middle East.

An important lesson of the Michael Jackson effect for Middle East policy makers is that public opinion is a short term phenomenon. The consequences of policies are not, of course. Long after Americans have gone back to watching the Rose Bowl and worrying about abortions and Michael Jackson's death and sex habits, millions of Iraqis are going to have to live with the consequences of the invasion of Iraq, the incompetent handling of the occupation, and the equally incompetent withdrawal. Politically, it will not matter very much in the United States unless it affects the price of gasoline. Similarly, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will be a non-issue for most people, regardless of how many rockets fall on Sderot or how many settlements Israel builds, unless it can be shown to directly impinge on the things that really concern US voters, or unless the IDF or the Hamas kill a prominent American entertainment or sports icon. Nonetheless, geopolitical considerations are often put aside in favor of opinion that is driven by infotainment and popular fads.

Ami Isseroff

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by Moderator @ 06:16 PM CST [Link]


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Replies: 8 comments

"Similarly, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will be a non-issue for most people, regardless of how many rockets fall on Sderot or how many settlements Israel builds, unless it can be shown to directly impinge on the things that really concern US voters..."

Ami, you should remember that the US invasion of Iraq had little to do with the issues concerning most voters in the US. Instead, it was an agenda of President Bush and the people behind him. Therefore, unless Israel can outlast President Obama (which I assume you anticipate), Obama can implement the agenda he believes will be in the best long-term strategic interests of America.

Remember, Bush once said "we are in a war, and... you are either with us or against us". Well, Ami, we're *still* in that war, and US interests in resolving the Mid East Conflict -as a part of the larger war on terror -may force Obama to demand that Israel choose it's side and conduct itself accordingly. In other words, to be regarded as an ally, THERE MUST BE AN END to Israel's flagrant disregard of the stipulations of the Road Map.

In this scenario, it could be a starkly black and white issue. Choose to either retain the settlements or remain a US ally. I wonder which side Israel would choose?


Posted by Kiev500 @ 07/07/2009 11:49 AM CST

China's first English portal on Xinjiang launched Source: Global Times [15:41 July 14 2009] Comments
Approaching the True Xinjiang (www.truexinjiang.com), under the Global Times, was officially launched on July 13, 2009. It is the first English website in China to present comprehensive information on the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.
The website features various channels such as news, religion, culture, travel, videos, as well as providing the latest news and reflecting the economic and social developments in Xinjiang. "Xinjiang in my eyes ","Xinjiang: My hometown", blogs and forum are interactive sections for web users to share information on real life in Xinjiang.
Approaching the True Xinjiang is a cyber platform for people around the world to exchange their thoughts and ideas about Xinjiang, helping them learn more about the true Xinjiang and avoid any misunderstandings.

Posted by hwf @ 07/14/2009 11:09 AM CST

Im looking for people to share my views and concerns on society, universe, understanding, war, death, greed, and how money seems to be more important than goodness and the future of our children. and most importantly. "What can people like me and other humanintellectuals do to help the world.we need to make difference! Id risk my life for good!

Posted by Aaron @ 07/26/2009 03:32 PM CST


Posted by ted @ 10/29/2009 06:28 PM CST


Posted by ted @ 10/29/2009 06:28 PM CST


Posted by ted @ 10/29/2009 06:28 PM CST

i miss michael jackson so much he truly was the K-I-N-G of pop!!!!!!

Posted by tik tok @ 02/08/2010 04:24 AM CST

how very very very very interesting.

Posted by the human @ 06/07/2010 07:26 PM CST

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