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Lost in Translation: Who Me, a Settler?11/07/2008 Stephen Kramer, a West Bank settler, wrote an article replying to Americans for Peace Now in which he supposedly derived the origin of the word "settler" for American readers. This was not an idle linguistic exercise. Kramer's purpose was to show that all Israelis are "settlers," and that the legal status and moral implications of my home in Rehovot, for example, are identical to those of the home of a a "settler" like Noam Federman, who took possession of land without a permit and in defiance of the laws of the state of Israel and in order to sabotage the international undertakings made by the Israeli government. According to Kramer, he, and I and Federman and the BILU who settled in Gedera and the inhabitants of Tel Aviv are all in the same moral category. We are all "settlers." Semitic languages have the wonderful propensity to spin great linguistic structures from three letter roots. Mr Kramer explains that the root applicable to the Hebrew word for "settler" is Yeshev. He must mean YSB or Yud Shin Bet, as roots have no vowels. He tells us that the word for "settler" in Hebrew that is derived from this root is "Mityashev" and the word for settlement is "Yishuv." Tel Aviv is a Yishuv, Rehovot is a Yishuv, Binyamina is a Yishuv, and Itamar and Hebron are Yishuvim and we are all equal. Mr Kramer is not alone in this view of the legal status of the Jews of Israel. His view is shared by the Izzedin al Qassam armed wing of the Hamas terror organization, whose announcements about rocket attacks claim that they have fired rockets on the "settlements" of Sderot and Ashqelon.
The question immediately arises, "How far on the other side of the Green line do the Jews have a right to live independently?" Mr Kramer gives the alarming answer himself:
The Palestine Mandate of the League of Nations included all of the area that is presently Jordan. Readers can judge whether or not Mr Kramer's notions are a reasonable basis for peace.
Linguistic exegesis aside, the basis of the state of Israel from its inception is international recognition. No state can exist without that. If we try to build a state that includes Jordan or perhaps beyond and if we are unwilling to compromise with the Palestinian Arabs of the West Bank, Israel shall be denied international recognition. With no international recognition, you get no state.
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