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Divestment and Bolshevism08/14/2005 A mailing from 'other Israel' informs us that the Israeli 'left' is debating the merits of divestment as a means to change Israeli policy. At a Tel Aviv conference, pious pronouncements declared that divestment is the only way to change Israeli policy.
Among others, the great proponent of truth, light, loveliness and peace, Ilan Pappe, who has apponted himself to the peace camp, gave what he claims are his views:
In the shadow of the spectre of Israeli disengagment (withdrawal) from Gaza, that is about to take place in a few hours, it is somewhat curious that Pappe believes there has been no change inside Israel. However, Pappe's remarks at an earlier workshop sponsored by the BADIL organization reveal the actual reasons for his support of boycotts and initiatives, which have nothing to do with peace or peace camps:
This is part of the summary:
More at Israel Divestment and Boycott initiatives What Pappe describes above, is, of course, a classic Bolshevik tactic. Hey, don't knock it! If it was good enough for V.I. Lenin, it is good enough for Pappe. So it is with a "heavy heart" that we are forced to conclude that Dr. Pappe was not telling the truth in Tel Aviv. His aim, and the aim of the divestment and boycott campaigns that he supports, is not peace nor ending the occupation. His aim is destruction of Israel. Only in the 1984 world where war is peace can such people be described as part of the "peace camp."
Ami Isseroff
Original text copyright by the author and MidEastWeb for Coexistence, RA. Posted at MidEastWeb Middle East Web Log at http://www.mideastweb.org/log/archives/00000370.htm where your intelligent and constructive comments are welcome. Distributed by MEW Newslist. Subscribe by e-mail to mew-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. Please forward by email with this notice and link to and cite this article. Other uses by permission. |
Replies: 5 comments
There exists a fundamental difference between what Mr. Pappe & others are seeking, and the anti-apartheid movement re: S. Africa. In the S. Africa there was never any suggestion that the S. African state should cease to exist. However the "Single Staters" (SS'rs)seek in the first instance to end the existance of the state of Israel. Whilst they may not exclaim it they are proposing economic war against Israel and the Israelis, as a response to the failure of the "Arab" military war. It is interesting that none of the SS'rs seem to spend much effort in consdering just how the merger of the two politically, economically, socially, technologically, and legally disparate communities shall be merged into a coherent whole. It would probably result in civil war. Posted by Rod Davies @ 08/16/2005 10:18 AM CST Rod you are fundamentally mistaken here. The central demand of the ANC and AAM was precisely that the South African apartheid state should cease to exist. The apartheid state was based on the white 20% of the South African population, and the intention was gradually to exclude blacks from any citizenship at all via the bantustan policy. The new South African state is based on universal suffrage. It has a new constitution. While there are continuities between old & new, there has also been a decisive break. The one-staters as I understand it (or at least one strand) argue that Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza strip are effectively ruled by Israel so should be able to elect representatives to the Knesset on the same basis as existing Israeli citizens. That may or may not be a practical proposition, for a variety of reasons, but it is not so far from the ANC position as you suggest. Jewish State as analogous to Afrikaaner State - discuss.... The same arguments against economic boycotts were also used in the South African contect, of course. Posted by Chris Bright @ 08/30/2005 04:11 PM CST "What Pappe describes above, is, of course, a classic Bolshevik tactic. Hey, don't knock it! If it was good enough for V.I. Lenin, it is good enough for Pappe." Sorry? When did Lenin and the Bolsheviks ever advocate disinvestment? I must have missed something. Examples please... Posted by Chris Bright @ 08/30/2005 04:15 PM CST This is a ridiculous article. My understanding is that Bolshevism refers to the strategy of Soviet Communists of gaining power after the Russian Revolution of 1917. What does it have to do with divestment? Posted by Peter F @ 09/02/2005 09:50 PM CST
Chris, Posted by Rod Davies @ 09/05/2005 12:18 PM CST Please do not leave notes for MidEastWeb editors here. Hyperlinks are not displayed. We may delete or abridge comments that are longer than 250 words, or consist entirely of material copied from other sources, and we shall delete comments with obscene or racist content or commercial advertisements. Comments should adhere to Mideastweb Guidelines . IPs of offenders will be banned. |
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