Replies: 6 comments
I would just like to bring to ur attention that most of ur analysis is flaud and one who understands the fundamentals of physics would strongly disagree. please read conservation of momentum and impulse before making these very untrue stratements.
Posted by Jehad @ 02/18/2005 01:14 AM CST
So Jehad, what is your conclusion about these photos, this incident? How does this relate to conservation of momentum and impulse - why does the moderator's comment not conform to this in your opinion.
Posted by Carol @ 02/18/2005 07:57 PM CST
Jehad, I am a mechanical engineer; i do not see anything in conservation of momentum and impulse that contradicts this analysis. On the contrary conservation of impulse (momentum has no much to do here) shows that if the explosion was at the surface of the ground, any impulsive reaction to that explosion would be on the horizontal axis. But how could that be if the cars next to the hole haven't moved. I would like to know what you think.
Posted by Oussama @ 02/20/2005 08:03 PM CST
So who did the attack? Also if one looks at 9/11 and the twin towers that fell. Since when does plane fuel melt metal?
Posted by Butros Dahu @ 02/21/2005 09:29 PM CST
i've been working with explosives since 1975 and i made 7 trainings in europe and the far as i know and as far as what i saw on the bomb scene i strongly say that this explosive is huge and outstanding!!!! (from the way it was done)the explosives were put above the ground not underground and all the comments on the above pics are's stongly obvious that the "guy" who put this explosion was very smart in deviating the investigation by putting so many car parts in the explosion itself!there are at least 2 cars missing until now!!!!
Posted by joe @ 02/25/2005 09:33 PM CST
I think that the Israeli Palestinian conflict is dumb!They should just put a wall around the Holy City that is 10ft high w/ tight secuirity.They should kick the Palestinians out of there!IT IS NOT THEIR OR ANYONE ELSES LAND!!!I would just leave the Jews their because come on look at what has happened to them!The Diaspora, Exodus, Holocaust and now this. It is so ridiculous that just because the Palestinians did not get kicked out of their homeland and pushed around for several 100 years does not mean that now when the Jews can safely come back they throw a big hissy fit over it. Did you know the Jews and Palestinians were originally related and lived in peace till 73AD the Diaspora. Cut the Jews some slack!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Kira Irons age 11 @ 03/12/2005 02:56 AM CST
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