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Attention Bloggers and others - Help wanted for Human Rights case (Espagnol, Português)


I have written many times about the case of Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury, the Bangladesh journalist jailed for speaking out about extremism and for wanting to establish dialog with Israel. We need the help of concerned individuals, rights organizations and governments, to get him out of jail. We need the help of bloggers too. Web log campaigns have helped free people in Salah's position in the Middle East. We need every one of you to do your bit. If you are on the Web somewhere, you could be next after Salah.

We need to mobilize support for him, in order to protect your freedom. Salah has stuck his neck out for peace, dialog and moderation, as well as for free speech. The trial and prosecution are intended to make an example of his case and scare others. There are many people in Bangladesh following the case to see if it is safe for them to speak out. We need to give Salah our support so we can help them as well. IFLAC has set up a petition to free Salah. Like this blog, it is a way of raising public awareness.

Please sign the petition and link to it and tell others.

Click here to sign the petition to free Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury


Below are circular letters in English, Spanish and Portuguese about Salah. Please forward them!

Thank you.

Ami Isseroff

Dear friends,

The IFLAC group has posted a petition to free Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury. IFLAC is the International Forum for the Literature and Culture of Peace.

Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury is in jail because he spoke out against Islamist extremism, and worked for recognition of Israel by Bangladesh. He was arrested when he was about to come to Israel to speak at a writers' conference on the role of media in promoting peace.

His case has been written up in the New York Times and by Reporteurs Sans Frontieres.

His reward for working for peace and moderation is that he faces a long jail sentence.

You can read more about the case here:

You can read what he wrote about fundamentalist extremism here -

The IFLAC petition is one of the ways that we can help Salah. If large numbers of people sign it, it can bolster our efforts to get action on his case from human rights groups and legislators, who have so far remained indifferent. But the petition will only be useful if a large number of people sign it.

1. Go to http://www.petitiononline.com/IFLAC102/petition.html and sign the petition.

2. Send this letter to friends and mailing lists. .
3. If you have a Web site - Post a link to the petition or to http://www.mideastweb.org/log/archives/00000175.htm

If you do not pass on this letter, it will not bring bad luck to you probably, but a good man will be left in jail.

He put his life on the line for peace, coexistence and moderation. There are a lot of people in Bangladesh following this case, who will judge if it is safe to speak out for sanity or not based on what happens to Salah. We can't turn our backs on him.

If you believe in peace, if you believe in an open society, if you support freedom of speech, you have to help this man.

Thank you,
Ami Isseroff


Petición para poner en libertad a Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury

El periodista Bangladeshi Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury fue tomado preso en Noviembre del 2003 cuando quiso subirse a un avión para viajar a Israel donde iba participar en un simposio de escritores sobre el rol del periodismo en la creación de una “Cultura de Paz”

Choudhury fue sometido a varios ataques por el creciente movimiento fundamentalista Islamista en Bangldesh desde que el estaba publicando artículos en favor de un dialogo entre Musulmanes y Judíos y favoreciendo relaciones entre Bangladesh e Israel.

Choudhury, un Musulmán practicante, también apunto los peligros del fundamentalismo islamista en sus artículos.

Había acusaciones vagas contra Coudhury y ahora último el gobierno lo acusó por sedición. Mientras estas cargas carecen de base la casa del hermano de Choudhury fue allanada y la policía se opuso de hacer un protocolo del incidente. La familia de Choudhury fué amenazada.


PETICION (Ingles) http://www.petitiononline.com/IFLAC102/petition.html

FIRMEN http://www.petitiononline.com/IFLAC102/petition-sign.html?

Ayuden a divulgar este mensaje y si tienen un sitio web pongan un link a esta petición.


Ruth Contreras
miembro del Directorio de
Scholars for Peace in the
Middle East www.spme.net



Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury é um jornalista de Bangladesh, que está preso por emitir opiniões contra o extremismo islâmico, e por tentar viajar a Israel.

Salah Uddin está sendo agora acusado de sedição. A casa de seu irmão foi vandalizada por uma turba. O caso está sendo claramente usado por extremistas e seus aliados no governo para fazer de Salah um exemplo desencorajador das liberdades. Muitos em Bangladesh estão atentos para o que acontece àqueles que falam abertamente contra o extremismo.

Salah assumiu riscos pelo diálogo e pela moderação. Devemos apoiá-lo.
A escalada do caso torna provável uma longa sentença de prisão ou mesmo de morte.

Recebemos o apelo abaixo de nosso Amigo Ernesto Kahan, vice-presidente mundial do IFLAC (International Forum for the Literature and Culture of Peace) e pedimos a sua solidariedade através da subscrição da petição ao final.

Amigos Brasileiros do PAZ AGORA

Prezados Amigos,

É de extrema urgência que vocês gentilmente assinem a CRUCIAL petição abaixo, e a repassem para que mais amigos a subscrevam maciçamente.

Precisamos de 50.000 assinaturas para tentar libertar o jornalista Choudhury, e ainda estamos muito longe disso. Faça por favor seu melhor esforço para divulgar a Petição para libertá-lo, através de todos seus contatos. Petições como esta já foram determinantes para libertar prisioneiros no passado, e seu nome e esforço pode fazer a diferença.

O link é o seguinte: http://www.petitiononline.com/IFLAC102/petition.html

FIRMEN http://www.petitiononline.com/IFLAC102/petition-sign.html?

A petição está em suas mãos.
Por favor, façam o que lhes for possível. Nosso amigo Choudhury está sofrendo na prisão. façamos o melhor por ele.

Dra. Ada Aharoni
Presidente do IFLAC - Fórum Internacional para a Literatura e Cultura de Paz

Dr. Ernesto Kahan MD MPH
Vice Presidente do IFLAC

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Original text copyright by the author and MidEastWeb for Coexistence, RA. Posted at MidEastWeb Middle East Web Log at http://www.mideastweb.org/log/archives/00000175.htm where your intelligent and constructive comments are welcome. Distributed by MEW Newslist. Subscribe by e-mail to mew-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. Please forward by email with this notice and link to and cite this article. Other uses by permission.

by Moderator @ 06:00 PM CST [Link]


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