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Israel Election Polls - Left retreating - Jan 23 200301/23/2003 Five days before the election, there is little change in poll results. The Israeli public is unimpressed by revelations of scandals in the right-wing Likud, unworried by the dismal economy, the continuing Palestine-Israel conflict and the looming conflict between Israel and the USA over the Palestine settlement roadmap, and turned off by Labor challenger Amram Mitzna's vow not to enter a unity government.
The public has been listening attentively to the ultraorthodox Shas party, which promises voters a guaranteed place in heaven if they vote for Shas. From heaven, voters can keep on voting for shas. Israel has tens of thousands of dead voters, mostly Shas supporters judging from election results. Shas is working its way up to the 15 seat mark it will probably reach on election day. A different segment of the public is also giving consistently increasing support to Tommy Lapid's secular Shinui party. Since Lapid will not sit with ultraorthodox in the same government, and the Likud's Tzahi Hanegbi has made it clear that the Likud would invite these parties to form a government, there will now be an additional large block of votes that is out of consideration for entry into the coalition. Shinui's popularity has worried political hacks serving the large and traditional parties, who have written numerous articles claiming that Lapid is a racist and insisting that contitutional government and ethical polics are not important issues. Poll results are below. Walla/Geocartography Poll 23 Jan 2003 Aaron Lerner Date: 23 January 2003
The following are the results of a Geocartography poll carried out January (results from 15 January in [brackets]
Knesset seats: * first time not 0 was on 15 January
"Center" Total 16.5 from 13 [17]
Left/Arabs: Total 34.5 from 47 current Knesset [33]
"Other" Total 0 from 0 current Knesset [0] Preview - Dahaf/News Wave Friday Polls 23 Jan 2003 Aaron Lerner Date: 23 January 2003 +++ Dahaf/Yediot Ahronot The following are the results of Dahaf polls carried out January 22, 2003.
It should be noted that while the results claim to be +/- 2.8 percentage
Total population (including Israeli Arabs) sample of 1200:
Knesset seats:
"Center" Total 20.5 from 13 [18.5]
Left/Arabs: Total 36 from 47 current Knesset [37]
"Other" Total 0 from 0 current Knesset [1.5]
Have you decided which list to vote for? Yediot Ahronot, January 28 2003 +++ Ma'ariv
The following are the results of a Ma'ariv poll by "New Wave" (a new polling
Ma'ariv does note report the percentage of the respondents who refused to
Total population (including Israeli Arabs) sample of 1,081 sample error +/- Knesset seats:
Right/Religious Bloc: Total 65- from 60 current Knesset [63]
[1.5% of vote is needed to pass the minimum threshold = 1.8 seats
"Center" Total 18 from 13 current Knesset [19]
Left/Arabs: Total 36 from 47 current Knesset [37]
"Other" Total 1 from 0 current Knesset [1] Dialogue/Ha'aretz Poll Results Aaron Lerner Date: 23 January 2003
To Ha'aretz's credit, they continue to report the percentage undecided:
The following are the results of a Dialogue poll of a representative sample Knesset seats:
Right/Religious Bloc: Total 65.5- from 59 current Knesset [64.5]
"Center" Total 18 from 15 [17]
Left/Arabs: Total 36.5 from 47 current Knesset [36.5]
"Other" Total 0 from 0 current Knesset [2]
* It is noteworthy that last week 100% of the respondents who gave Aleh
Chances voting:
If Labor doesn't agree to join a national unity government, and Sharon forms
Vote Likud:
If Labor doesn't agree to join a national unity government, and Sharon forms
Vote Likud:
And if in any case a national unity government is formed, who would you want
Vote Likud
Vote Labor
And if in any case a national unity government is formed, who would you want
Vote Likud:
Vote Labor:
If Labor gets 20 seats should Mitzna resign?
Vote Labor:
Should Shinui forego its rejection of the Ultra-Orthodox and, as a large
Vote Shinui:
Do you believe Sharon intends to make "painful concessions" as he puts it,
If Shinui is a large party and decides to join the government, what
Vote Shinui: [Ha'aretz 23 January 2003]
Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
Original text copyright by the author and MidEastWeb for Coexistence, RA. Posted at MidEastWeb Middle East Web Log at http://www.mideastweb.org/log/archives/00000032.htm where your intelligent and constructive comments are welcome. Distributed by MEW Newslist. Subscribe by e-mail to mew-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. Please forward by email with this notice and link to and cite this article. Other uses by permission. by Ami Isseroff @ 12:46 PM CST [Link] |
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